Monday, 23 January 2012


                                           General Information
                     Sacred Heart School,Rowta was established by the Catholic Church in the year 1990.
                            It is directly managed by the Parish Priest,Catholic Church,Rowta, who is appointed by the Bishop of Tezpur. He is assisted by the Managing Committee and the Parish Council. The primary aim of the school is to impact sound, all round education based on christian principles to the member of the christian community. The same facility is given also to the member of the other communities irrespective of cast and creed as far as seats are available.
                             For admission to the nursery class the minimum age is 4. Both boys and girls are admitted.

BOYS                              GIRLS
White Shirt                                            White Shirt
Navy blue pants                                     Navy blue skirts
Red tie                                                   Red tie
Black shoes                                           Black shoes
Red Shocks                                           Red Shocks
Blue sweater                                          Blue sweater
Blue belt                                                Blue belt

The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school functions. All should be clean and always neatly dressed. Every Wednesday students should wear their group/house colour T. Shirt.

The medium of instruction is English for all classes. Assamese and Bodo languages is taught from class-I onwards. Hindi language is taught from class-II onwards.


Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline upon their wards and by taking a daily interest in their wards by taking a daily interest in their progress. They are expected to note the home work set an ensure that it is done properly.

Parents / Guardians are requested to examine the progress report carefully ads see their children make a special effort to study those subjects in which they are weak.

Parents and Guardians are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.

1. The school is open to good and earnest students without distinction of caste or creed. Application for admission must be made in the prescribed form which will be issued from the school office during the period of admission.
2. Guardians are expected to fill in the application form with utmost accuracy.
3. A transfer certificate from the school last attended should be submitted for the admission of a candidate who has attended a recognized school.
4. Pupils must be introduced to the principal personally by the one who will ba responsible for their conduct and payment of fees.
5. Admission will be granted only after interviews and according to the age limits proper to the class.
6. For admission to the nursery class the minimum age is 4. Both boys and girls are admitted. Birth certificate should be produced along with a pass port size photograph at the time of admission.
7. Transfer certificate will not be given without a written application from the Parent or Guardian of the pupil and this be done one week before leaving.
8. The progress report will not be given if the fees are not fully paid.

1. The school fees are for twelve calendar months and are to be paid in monthly installment or in advance.
2. Fees must be paid before 10th of every month, if the fees are not paid by the date a late fee of Rs. 5/= will be levied. No reminder will be sent to parents to pay fees.
3. Pupils will not be permitted to sit for examination unless the fees have been duly paid. Final examination results will be released only after payment of fees for 12 months.

1. There will be two examination and four Unit Test during the year and the progress report keeps the parents informed of the progress of their children. The reports are to be signed by the parents and returned to school.
There will be no re-examination.
2. Pupils absent from examinations without grave reasons will be considered as having failed.
3. Apupil who fail twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
4. The results declared at the end of the year are final and will not be considered. Neither will the answer paper be shown.
5. No pupils will be allowed to sit for promotion examination if his/her attendance during the year is below 80%.
6. The principal's decision shall be final in all question of promotion or failure.

                                         RULES OF DISCIPLINE 
1.  Every student should have a copy of the school calendar and prospectus and it must be brought to school daily.
2. Pupils must be in the school campus at least 15 minutes before the class time.
3. Pupils must be punctual for class; those who have absent must bring Absence Record signed by their parents on the following.
4. A student absenting himself/herself from the class for 15 consecutive days without permission will be removed from the rolls. If he/she wants to continue a fresh admission to be made.
5. It is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls or black board, throw paper or ink in and around classrooms or in any way damage to school property.
6. Any damage or breakage must be reported to the class teacher and it shall be paid for according to the discretion of authorities.
7. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct both in and outside the school shall make the student liable to disciplinary action. 
8. Disobedience, defiance of authority, irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work and disrespect towards teachers and member of the staff or conduct injuries to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
9. The school will not be held responsible for books money clothes, ornaments etc. lost. Pupils must take care of their own belongings.
10. Refinement of manners, habit of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress, and punctuality are required at all times.
11. Parents or guardians are not allowed to see their children during class or interview the teacher during school hours.
12. Guardians are requested not to send any note for leave for their ward during the school hours.
13. Use of unfair means during examination will be dealt with severely.
14. No present or any demonstration to the teacher is allowed without the previous consent of the school authorities. Collection for any purpose whatsoever requires the principal's permission.
15. To acquire a greater facility in the study of English only English should be spoken in the premises.
16. Pupils are strictly forbidden to introduce any sort of objectionable literature into the school. All correspondence addressed to pupils at school are subject to inspection.
17. Students who have been absent from class must have the reason of absence briefly noted in their "Regularity Record" Reason of a private nature may be intimated by letter. Birthday, excursion, urgent business etc. are not sufficient reason for leave of absence. Absence from school in order to study is never allowed. No leave of absence is given without a previous application in writing from the guardian. A student must have 80% of attendance fr promotion.
18. To be admitted to the class room, those who have been absent and late-comers must show their teacher "Regularity Record" duly counter-signed by the principal or Headmistress.
19. Nobody is allowed to leave the school premises except strength of letter of a authorisation from his/her guardians.
20. Pupils may be sent home during school hours for reasons of misbehavior, lack of compliance with Rules or for any serious eventuality.
21. Any communication (Request or complaint) made by the Parents should be addressed to the Principal or Headmistress and not to the Class Teacher.

22. This school being a minority Institution of the Catholic Church, only Catholic Christian Festivities are celebrated within the campus, in which the presence of non-Christian pupils is no way compulsory.

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